Shibori Part 1: Folded Shibori
Create Folded Shibori at Home
Overview of Folded Shibori Workshop
How to use this course platform
Before we begin...
Gear for Folded Shibori
Fabric for this Workshop
Fabric Preparation
Cutting Fabric for Lesson Pieces
Folding Small Pleats
Tornado String Binding of Different Styles
Stitch Binding
Folding Squares in Multiples of 4
Small clamps - Clothes Pins
String & Resist
Folding Large Pieces into Triangles - multiple of 4
Triangles - Wood Strips
Triangles - Wood Strips & Cap
Folding large Pieces into Squares - Multiples of 4
Squares - Tile Resist on Square
Squares - Tile Resist on Point (Diamond)
Triangle - Triangle Resist
Wetting Out
Dyeing your Folded Shibori
Post Dye Clean Up