Course curriculum

    1. Let's Get to It!

    2. How to use this Teaching Platform

    3. Before we begin...

    1. Materials for Indigo Dyeing

    2. Equipment for Indigo Dyeing

    3. Safety First

    4. Sources of Indigo Dye & Seeds

    5. Different Indigo Dye Vat Methods

    6. 123-Fructose Indigo Vat

    7. 123 Iron Indigo Vat - for Cotton, Linen, etc

    8. Dyeing with Fresh Indigo

    9. Dyeing with Saxon Blue Aquarelle Dye

    1. It's Just Math, Darlin'

    2. Ideas for Indigo Dye Journals

    3. Making the "Mother"

    4. Adding the mother to the Vat

    1. Prepare your Vat for Dyeing

    2. Dyeing

    3. After Dyeing Process

    4. Vat Maintanence - The After Party

    1. Congrats, Onward!!

    2. More resources for you

    3. Before you go...

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 23 lessons

Learn to Make an Indigo Vat for Dyeing, Start Today